Spongebob becomes a christian.


Remember the show Spongebob Squarepants? You know, the show that revolves around a character
named Spongebob Squarepants that goes on misadventures? Well, it turns out that Stephen Hillenburg, the "creator" of the show, is actually the co creator. The real creator is a man named Ethan Bungler, who was a radical atheist. Ethan came up with the concept and Stephen designed and animated the characters (after being payed 100 dollars of course). What Ethan had in mind was a anti christian cartoon that will teach kids the dangers of religion. After showing the pilot to Nickelodeon, Ethan was sent to a mental hospital where he was diagnosed with a incurable disease called "Mental Retardation". Nickelodeon ordered Stephen to rework the show into a much more friendlier, less religious cartoon, and Spongebob later became the iconic cartoon we all know and love today.

The Pilot

The following story is the description of the original Spongebob pilot.
The pilot begins with a title card that has the title "Spongebob becomes a christian" in bold white letters against a solid black background. The title card then fades away to a shot of Spongebob sleeping in his room. He later wakes up to someone knocking on his door. He walks to the door and opens it to find Mr. Krabs, holding a bible. Spongebob asks Mr. Krabs:
"Mr. Krabs? What are you doing here?".
Mr. Krabs responds with:
"Oh, hello Spongebob! I was just planning to tell about my new discovery".
"What's that Mr. Krabs?".
"Well Spongebob, I have discovered a new thing called Christianity. It's where you worship a man named God.".
"Who's God?".
"Glad you asked, Spongebob. God is the man who created the world. He created the ground, he created the sky, he created you and he created me!".
"Wow! That's cool!".
"I know, Spongebob. But, you have to follow a bunch of rules before you go to heaven.".
"What's heav-"
Spongebob get's cut off by the sound of honking of a car horn. The shot then focuses on a rusty yellow car. One of the car's windows rolls down to reveal a disgruntled old man. The old man starts shouting profanity at Mr. Krabs. Mr Krabs says to Spongebob:
"I'll explain later, I have to go.".
Mr Krabs goes into the car and the car drives off. Spongebob waves to it and says:
"Goodbye Mr Krabs!"
The scene fades to a scene with Spongebob and Patrick playing chess. Mr Krabs is seen walking by and saying:
"Hey Spongebob how's it-".
Mr Krabs doesn't finish his sentence. He runs towards Spongebob and says:
"What is this satanic beast?".
"Beast? He is not a beast! He's very friendly-".
"I don't care! He's a star! A star is in a pentagram! A symbol that goes against GOD!".
"But, But-"
"No buts Spongebob! If you want to go to heaven, you must murder him before it's too late!"
"But Mr Krabs I still don't know what heaven is-"
Mr Krabs hands Spongebob a knife. Spongebob walks up to Patrick with tears in his eyes. He taps Patrick's shoulders and Patrick turns around. Patrick becomes shocked, saying:
Spongebob begins to stab Patrick repeatedly. Spongebob begins to cry as Patrick screams in pain, sadness and betrayal. This continues until Patrick stops screaming. Patrick is completely lifeless and covered in blood at this point. Spongebob turns around to find Mr Krabs gone. Spongebob begins to cry again. The scene then fades to a screen that says THE END in comic sans.